Water Management
Sustainable Water Solutions
In partnership with MWEM (Pty) Limited, we reduce our customers’ water footprint by providing innovative and sustainable turnkey water management solutions. MWEM consists of a highly experienced team of professionals ranging from hydrogeologists, chemistry specialists, water modelers, engineers, contaminated site specialist and hydrologists.
We aim to save our customers both water and money and to ensure compliance with municipal water by-laws through focus on the Geological and Environmental aspects. Our aim is to provide responsive, cost-effective solutions to meet and exceed our client’s expectations.
Water Services
• Water Audits
• Water bill analysis – process billing information for water consumption and sewerage charge.
• Meter Readings – read the bulk water meter and identify discrepancies.
• Feasibility studies for municipal infrastructure including pipelines, reservoirs, water treatment plants, domestic waste, sites, roads and Housing Mine Open Pit Slope Depressurisation and Stability Assessment.
Water services include mining related water studies, surface water studies, mathematical groundwater flow and contaminant transport modelling, geochemical assessments, waste classifications, contaminated site management studies, water resource modelling and monitoring.
• Test pitting, auger boreholes, in-situ sampling
• Penetrometer testing including DPL, DCP, DPSH and CPT
• Geotechnical drilling and in-situ borehole testing including SPTs, pressure meter Lugeon/Packer test.
All associated laboratory testing and analysis for distributed and undistributed samples.